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Hello, I am Josiah. I am  husband to Laura, father to Isaiah and Emily, child of God, and I am currently on a journey to find out what else--or who else I am. It is a beautiful journey.


I was formerly a youth pastor and photographer, who also aspired to be many other "important" things, then my life took taken a detour--a beautiful detour of discovery and unraveling. It has been a journey I believe God  brought me on to disconnect me from the things I used to define myself with so that he can bring a brand new definition to my life. 


Life looks different these days. I am a recent graduate of Ashland Theological Seminary. Together with my wife and kids I am entering into a new season of work with an organization called Healing Care. This organization has been an amazing blessing to us, helping us navigate some of the pain, perplexity, and mystery of life. We have been learning to find beauty in difficulty, the grace of God in pain, and the mystery of his presence in all things. Together we are seeking to see the beauty that God has placed in ordinary moments, trying to be fully present to these moments so that we can discover HIM in each one.


This website is a place where I share what I have found to be beautiful, and from time to time, along with my friends who are willing to contribute to the site, I share some thoughts on the nature of beauty. Thanks for stopping to share in the beauty I see. 


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